Member of the archaeological study group

- Weekly · 1 to 2 hours
- Heemkundige Studiekring "De Acht Zaligheden"
In recent years, a team of enthusiastic volunteers has worked hard to digitize the library of our Heemkundige Studiekring. Three quarters of the work has already been digitized. Some of the volunteers have now stopped this activity, and we are therefore looking for reinforcements. Can you work on a computer (think of scanning books and working in Windows programs such as Word) and are you interested in your living environment and how it is now? Then come and help digitize the last piece of our archive. Together with us, you ensure that we can digitally record all information forever and make it easily accessible for interested parties and members of our study circle. Our archive is located in our own Heem room in the Kempenmuseum on the Kapelweg. The place to gain more knowledge about the history of the municipality of Eersel and the surrounding area from prehistoric times to the present, viewed from as many points of view as possible. From archeology to family history and from language and dialect to flora and fauna. This volunteer work is for young and older people. You can join our Study Circle, but you don't have to. You can also support us temporarily. Do you like volunteer work or do you feel like a nice and interesting internship, where you will of course be well supervised? Please contact Frans of our Heemkundige Study Circle De Acht ZalINGEN.
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Weekly from 3 to 4 hours
I am chairman of the local history circle, see also information further down this page. The circle has a room in the Streekmuseum Kapelweg 2 in Eersel, which is open every Monday afternoon from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm. For further information really look at our website.