Social and legal support AZC Gilze

- Weekly · 5 to 8 hours
- Vluchtelingenwerk Gilze-Rijen
My father, Piet Klaassen, is looking for a buddy who can accompany him to and from swimming every week. My father lives in Gilze and has had an NAH (non-congenital brain injury) since he was 23 due to an accident, which causes a spasm on his left side and makes it difficult for him to express himself. He likes to go swimming every week to keep his body flexible, he did this at the Flippers in Rijen. Unfortunately, this club has been disbanded and he is looking for a new opportunity to swim. He can go to the Amarant swimming pool (Aquamarant, Bredaseweg 570 in Tilburg) on Mondays from 13:00 to 13:30 or on Thursdays from 12:45 to 13:15. He needs transportation for this and a buddy who wants to help him get changed. My father is a very sociable, sweet and grateful man who likes to be with people.
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Weekly from 2 to 3 hours
Gilze en Rijen