Visiting lonely people
Are you someone who likes to visit a lonely person? At Present in Vriendschap we have been bringing, lonely people in contact with suitable volunteer. There are many “older” lonely people, but also young people, who call on us. Do you want to drink a cup of coffee, offer a listening ear, sometimes think along or maybe you can go for a walk or bike ride. In consultation with each other you will look for your way of giving attention. Attention is the keyword of our organization. Present in Friendship originated from a citizens' initiative. In addition to connecting people, we also organize small trips, a pleasant New Year's afternoon, a Sinterklaas afternoon, sometimes a dinner, depending on our budget. We regularly organize an afternoon for the volunteers to educate ourselves, but also to meet and get to know each other better. All this with the help of an expert. You are not alone and you can always fall back on the professionals or the board. On the website you can read a lot about what we have done in recent years. There are small articles about the trips and there is something to read about the background of our approach. If you are interested, we would like to make an appointment to meet you.